星期二, 五月 05, 2009



狗骨颅岛。。发生在Pulau Ketam 的真实故事 。
原文来自 http://www.mycen.com.my/sighting%20...%20lau_ketam_dogs.html
Pulau Ketam , 2009年5月2日:

风景如画的渔村岛 Pulau Ketam 是典型的华人村庄。有乡村咖啡店,寺庙和嘈杂的麻将馆。与其他华人村庄不同的是,流浪狗在这受欢迎的旅游景点里失踪了。在这美丽的照片后面,有着不为人知的秘密。村民将所有的流浪狗集中在一起,然后的把它们运送去一个荒岛。这不是一个普通的荒岛,这是一个根本不适合居住的荒岛,所有在那里的生物都面临着死亡的威胁。

我们目前正在作出努力以阻止邻近的村庄SG Lima的人们将更多的流浪狗驱逐到这个岛上。可是,已经被驱逐了的狗却又如何呢我会见了当地的村长,当我知道他们甚至不考虑这些不幸的狗狗的生死时,我感觉到非常的震惊。他们只是在意他们该如何将这些流浪狗的问题转移到另一个岛屿,之后的一切就什么,狗儿们的生死都不管了。。我恳求他带我到岛上去看看这些他们丢弃的狗。令人惊讶的,他同意了。。我们也得知在我们之前并没有任何的拯救行动。

我和好友 Daniel Tang 以及 来自 Furry Friends Farm 的 Sabrina Yap 一起踏上这个在马六甲海峡附近的“狗岛”的侦查之旅。。一位来自巴生的 Blogger “Birds Talking" 因为临时生病了所以无法出席。我们租一艘船来去那个岛,一开始的时候,我以为我们只会看到骨骼和壳。因为这里的环境实在是太恶劣了。

这里充满了很多的毒蛇,任何没有防备的外来者将会变成它们的食物。这里也有许多会让你没顶的泥沼。。已经接近岛屿了,可以看到一只老鹰在空中飞过。。第一个发现。这是我们的第一个希望。 可怜的它是多么的骨瘦如柴。然而,当它看见我们时,它依然努力的摇动它无力的尾巴。心碎。看到这个被遗弃的小狗带着悲哀的表情坐在一根树枝上时,我觉得非常的心酸,这更使我下定决心要和Sabrina他们一起将所有在这个岛上的狗全部救出来。

人为的悲剧。据当地渔民所说,这些狗儿在无法忍受的饥饿后,只好开始吃自己饿死同伴的尸体。它们是如此的绝望,依然饥饿的它们游到附近的 Kelong.可是却只能人赶走。有些比较弱小的甚至还溺死于水中。我们向居住在附近Kelong一对印尼工人夫妇寻求协助。他们尝试用饲料来做引诱,将这些流浪狗带回来。



一位幸运着。我们的印尼助手在经历过许多恶劣的考验后,成功救出了一只狗。获救的狗在Sabrina的手中踏上给兽医治疗的安全旅程。时间已经不多了,我们下次再来的时候看到的可能只剩下骨头和残壳。。由于这里是一个旅游区,在这里租船是非常的昂贵的。这一趟的旅程已经花了我几百元的船租,获救的狗并不能透过普通的 ferries 运输,也几乎没有人会施以援手而不收费。虽然,这是可以理解的。


如果您无法直接帮助,请将此文章转发给任何一位有同情心并能做出一些捐款的人。我们需要一笔资金。。除了船租, 我们还需要钱来买笼子,以及支付将这些狗从树林中带出来的人的工资,以及送它们到动物兽医诊所的运输费。。诊疗费,痊愈了的,我们也需要钱来提供粮食和居住的环境。我可以坚持下去的!

TV Smith at tvsmith@mycen.com.my
Sabrina Yeap at yeapwen@yahoo.com

至于愿意帮忙的 blogger 们, 你们可以将这片文章转载到你们的个人网页中。。 网址是 http://www.mycen.com.my/rescue

你们也可以透过这个网址来查看拯救行动的进展 http://www.mycen.com.my/rescue/updates.html


原文:TV Smith

The residents of Pulau Ketam sent some 300 stray dogs to exile on a remote island where the harsh conditions almost certainly guarantee a horrible death. Of the 300 dogs sent there, more than three-quarters are presumed to be already dead. I traveled to the island with Sabrina Yeap of Furry Friends Farm and managed to save only one dog on this reconnaissance trip. We did see several other starving and dying dogs along the mangrove shore.

I am mounting an urgent rescue mission to capture and transport the remaining survivors back to Sabrina's Furry Friends Farm animal shelter. But time is running out and there might be only skeletons and carcasses left to collect on our next trip. Boat hire is expensive there. It is a tourist area and it has already cost me a few hundred ringgit for boat hire alone, so far. The rescued dogs cannot be transported on the regular ferries.

Almost nobody will lift a finger to help without a fee. This is understandable. The locals are already shaking their heads in disbelief that there are outsiders who want to save the animals they so casually discarded. Instead of pointing fingers and antagonising them, we need their co-operation to help save the unfortunate creatures. In the process, we also hope to educate the islanders on better treatment of animals. It would be an impossible mission if we didn't win their hearts.

If you are unable to help directly, please help by forwarding this appeal to other compassionate folks who you feel might be able to make some monetary contributions.

Apart from boat hire, we need money to buy cages, to pay people to help catch them, to hire land transport to send the rescued animals to veterinary clinics, pay for vet fees, send the recovered ones to the shelter and to feed and house them for life. I can go on!

To donate or help, e-mail TV Smith at tvsmith@mycen.com.my or Sabrina Yeap at yeapwen@yahoo.comUpdate:

For info or enquiries:
The Rescue Mission Secretariat at +6012 378 3730 (Janet) or +6012 320 8090 (Zalina)
The Sec's E-mail is dogrescue.pk@gmail.com (see updates page for info)

Fellow bloggers, you can also help by embedding the appeal poster above to your blog and linking to http://www.mycen.com.my/rescue/ (this page)

We are aware it is a monumental task and appreciate all forms of support, assistance, suggestions, encouragement and your prayers. Thank you and don't forget to view the pictures of the dogs in order to appreciate their plight.

Visit also Furry Friends Farm's Blog / Website
TV Smith 3rd May 2009
